Acquiring an illness or experiencing a traumatic physical injury or accident that changes your life can be challenging not just from a physical but a psychological and emotional standpoint. I offer an accepting, open and informed approach to the issues and difficulties that face those of us who are living with a long-term condition or are disabled. If you have a particular need or issue in this area please do feel free to contact me. I can sometimes offer online, skype or telephone consultations if travel or access is not possible. I can also arrange for ground floor access in some cases where access needs require this. However please discuss this with me beforehand.
Personal relationships, sexuality and intimacy are all areas where not only psychosexual expertise is important but also a deeper understanding of the experience of living in an able bodied world as a disabled person (or someone with a chronic illness), are essential to the understanding of the issues that arise in everyday life as well as in our current or future relationships, be they at work or more emotional and intimate.
I am a counselling psychologist, a psychosexual therapist, and a disabled person myself with over 30 years experience of working in the field of psychology, sexuality and relationships.
I now work exclusively in private practice, but have previously worked in primary care, hospitals and medical school settings as well as the voluntary sector. I have lectured and written on the subject of disability and sexuality to disabled people themselves but also health professional groups, from doctors to care assistants and PAs as well as social workers, OTs, therapists, counsellors and psychologists.