Counselling & Psychotherapy

Counselling Psychology, Relationship & Psychosexual Therapy


Psychology - Supervision, Training & Lecturing

I am on the BPS Register of Applied Psychological Supervisors (RAPPS) and have been supervising for over 25 years both as a Chartered and Counselling Psychologist and a Psychosexual Therapist. In addition I have been a senior lecturer and supervisor for diploma level training and visiting lecturer on doctoral progammes.

I have been a visiting lecturer at Surrey University Doctural Programme on Psychotherapeutic and Counselling Psychology and on the Tavistock Institute Couples Therapy Master's Programme. I have taught on various other courses and was Director of The London Institute of Human Sexuality and Subsequently Senior Lecturer and supervisor at The Institute of Human Sexuality & Human Relations.

I offer ongoing supervision to both trainee and experienced senior practitioners and would be happy to discuss with you over a phone call any questions or details.

I am also available to give advice and consultations on particular case issues on a one off consultancy basis.